Percona vs MariaDB

November 18, 2021

Percona vs MariaDB: A Factual Comparison

When it comes to choosing a database management system for your Big Data application, two popular choices are Percona and MariaDB. While they share some similarities, there are some significant differences between them that could affect your decision.


Perhaps one of the most crucial factors in choosing a database management system for Big Data is performance. In terms of performance, Percona generally takes the lead. According to a comparative study run by Percona LLC1, the company behind Percona Server for MySQL, their system scored significantly better than MariaDB in all benchmarks, including write throughput, read throughput, and response time.


Both Percona and MariaDB can handle massive scale. However, Percona is better suited for large-scale deployments of up to tens of thousands of servers. This is mainly because Percona has more advanced sharding technology that allows for better distribution of data across multiple servers.


Security is paramount when it comes to Big Data. Both Percona and MariaDB offer robust security features, but again, Percona comes out on top. Percona's security features are more advanced than MariaDB's. This is demonstrated by the fact that Percona Server for MySQL is independently tested against the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), which is considered the gold standard for security.

Community Support and Development

Community support is essential when it comes to Open Source software. Both Percona and MariaDB have active user communities and are open-source. However, in terms of development, MariaDB is backed up by the MariaDB Foundation, while Percona is backed by Percona LLC. MariaDB also boasts of having a more extensive user community, which is known to help identify and solve problems faster.


Pricing is always a consideration for any business when choosing software. Both Percona and MariaDB have community versions, which are free of charge. However, if you require support, that's where pricing differences come in. Percona offers support for all its products, including Percona Server for MySQL and Percona XtraDB Cluster, while MariaDB's support is restricted to their enterprise version.


Choosing between Percona and MariaDB ultimately depends on the specific needs of your application, the size of your data, and your budget. Both are excellent choices with their pros and cons. While Percona comes out on top in performance and security, MariaDB has a larger user community and is backed up by a well-funded foundation.

At Flare Compare, we hope this blog post has been helpful in shedding some light on the differences between the two. Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments below!




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